Ahmed Al-Shugairi , this man has learned me a lot! A ton of people had judges him for saying the truth, but don’t you get it? This man is trying to make a point, a goodpoint in this world. He is trying to change us, why would any one of us blame him? He is showing us the Islam in an amazing way. Us, the new generation, there's a lot of distractions that are taking us away from Fasting and Praying etc. But, he's encouraging us to do a lot of wonderful things, things that can help us and help our community. We have a great ideas, but no one is listening to us. Mr. Al-Shugairi is showing us how to be ourselves, but without changing our thoughts. He has a program that is called ''Khawater'',but in English it's Called ''Thoughts''. Let's say that he's writing his ''Thoughts'' on a newspaper, no one will respond to him. This generation is very hard. If you want ...