Those who dream, will definitely achieve. The efforts we put into chasing our goals will be recognized. Our faith in God, and those long nights praying with so much hope in our hearts. The taste of accomplishment, that happiness, the laughter, oh and those tears of pure joy. Standing up for the right, and fighting for the good. We were all born great, but at the end of the day, it is up to us to realize that greatness and use it proactively. Nobody’s better than the other, we are made different so we can come together and join those differences together for our own good. If we’re the same, then competing will never get us anywhere, because “team work makes the dream work” according to a great wise friend of mine. Working hand by hand to reach the finish line will get us further and further in life. This past week, I had the honor to be the Saudi Delegate to the United Nations Youth Assembly, and this is the story of how this week t...