Good news people! I toke the 3rd place in my school’s Spelling Bee Competition! That’s exciting, that’s amazing, that’s believing that we can. Two months ago I was refusing the idea of the competition, and now I lived the competition. We have a lot of fears, one of my biggest fears was spelling a long word correctly. And now, I… finding words of what I feel right now might be hard, so I’ll just leave it to you to decide. We had to wait for six hours for our turn. Because we’re the older ones so we have to wait. I was really shocked to see the 1st graders spelling words. They’re really good, those girls are only six or seven years old, and they were spelling words that they didn’t know about before! I think that they believed a lot in themselves, and they got what they deserved. My first word was martyr (m-a-r-t-y-r). I was really thankful for having that word as my...