Good news people! I toke the 3rd place in my school’s Spelling Bee Competition! That’s exciting, that’s amazing, that’s believing that we can. Two months ago I was refusing the idea of the competition, and now I lived the competition. We have a lot of fears, one of my biggest fears was spelling a long word correctly. And now, I… finding words of what I feel right now might be hard, so I’ll just leave it to you to decide.
We had to wait for six hours for our turn. Because we’re the older ones so we have to wait. I was really shocked to see the 1st graders spelling words. They’re really good, those girls are only six or seven years old, and they were spelling words that they didn’t know about before! I think that they believed a lot in themselves, and they got what they deserved.
My first word was martyr (m-a-r-t-y-r). I was really thankful for having that word as my first. We finished really fast! The girls from the other school weren’t that good, but we had a lot of fun talking to them, and I learned for the thousand time that I can’t judge on a person based on his look! (Thank you God for throwing a lot valuable lessons on my face).
I misspelled a word called inconsolable i-n-c-o-n-s-o-l-a-b-l-e. I replaced the ’’s’’ with a ’’c’’ (Yay!) Do I feel sad? I’m sorry, I mean: did I feel sad? My first expression was a smile, I smiled until I went to the car. Smiling doesn’t always describe happiness, just to be honest with you, I was screaming, and freaking out from the inside! My mistake was really stupid. But, isn’t this my destiny? Everything is written, or let me say everything is Maktoob.
After thinking, and maybe sleeping, I’ve realized that I’m a true winner. It doesn’t matter if I’m in the 1st or 3rd place. What really matters is: making sure that your heart will understand. My brain was fine today, because he’s the judicious (j-u-d-i-c-i-o-u-s) organ in my body. But as I wrote before, my heart was going crazy. He’s the sensitive one. My heart had to realize the truth, and he had to find a way to make me happy.
My heart told me that the 1st place is just a title, it doesn’t mean anything. He told me that I have bigger things that the 1st place winner doesn’t have. He told me that the medal is just metal, it’s not gold or diamond, it’s not even a real bronze! Yes you have the bronze medal, my heart said, but I’m sure that Allah is preparing you for a bigger surprise. My heart had taught me that life is just a challenge, and that he has a big, gold medal for me. He told me that I earned that medal for gaining 200 new words, and for being who I am today.
This is something new for me. I entered the competition after watching a movie called Akeelah and The Bee. I wanted to be Akeelah, I wanted to win. Now I know that I’m a true winner, now I know that Allah is always up there taking care of us. Now I know that people are always here to help us, now I know that it doesn’t matter if I won the1st or 2nd or 3rd place, because I’ve got a judicious brain, a sensitive heart who says wise words, a conceivable (c-o-n-c-e-i-v-a-b-l-e) dream, and 200 new words!
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