Syria, oh where do I start?
Should I start from the people that we've lost? Should I start from the historical Empire
that fell down on two dirty hands.
Should I start from the history of Syria? Or maybe, I'll just write about what should
be written.
I wasn't that interested
about the Arabic Spring. But when I
realized that what's happening will lead the Middle East to a brighter end, I
started to read some things. I'll leave
the political things on a side and I'll write about those poor, brave people.
We've tried to help them
as much as we could, but Allah is helping all the time. I once read something that says ''Fear is
what keeps you alive.'' –Paulo Coelho, Brida.
I realized that those brave people are still fighting because the fear
of not taking their country back is scaring them. They want to raise their Syrian flag the way
the Egyptians, Libyans, and the Tunisians did.
Birds fly in peace, they
love freedom, they live because they have enough freedom. But when you put them in a cage, alone, they will
fight to get out. They don't yawn and
give up, no, they fight until they eventually get free, or die with
respect. The Syrians are similar to the
birds. They've been locked in a cage for
so long, and now it's time for them to either fight to get out, or simply give
up and die with respect and honor.
I've heard of so many
stories about ways of killing in Syria.
I wasn’t surprised because… because we've heard about them before. We've heard of the boy who left the house and
never came back. We've heard of the
little girl with her brother who lost all their family members. We've heard of the houses that turned into
ashes. We've heard of the villages that were damaged in one
day. We've heard of hypocrites who
fought against their friends, family, and most importantly, their country. We've heard of a lion who has no courage to
leave his damaged kingdom in a better hands.
Oh Syria, we can see
getting back. We can see the dreams of
the millions becoming true. We can see
the lion locked in a cage, and the birds flying free. We can see you, Syria, getting back on your
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