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First Interview in the Grownups Life.

      The first official interview is the most scary part of the grownups world.  Today I went through one of the most interesting experiences in my life, today I did my first official interview.  I didn't know what to say, or how to act, but, I also felt relaxed in the same time.  I wanted to have some confidence, I wanted to make a good first impression, I wanted to stop shaking, and I just wanted to show them my real personality at the same time. 
     I realized that being scared can help a lot, because when you're scared you would want to tell them everything about you.  You want them to feel amazed, you want to draw a smile on their faces, and you want to be accepted.  Extra confidence can harm a little bit, but in interviews everything counts.  The way you sit, the way you move your hands, the way you talk, and maybe the way you breathe.
    Smiling is a great weapon to win your interview battle.  When you smile you hide the scared expressions.  When you smile you show them that you have confidence.  When you smile you show them that you're not scared, nor you're shaking.  Plus, smiling makes you look beautiful, so smile please.
     As a person who just had her first interview, I am not sure if I'm allowed to give you some tips, but I don't think that I can resist.  I told them that I want to change not only community, but I want to change my whole country.  When I said that, the women smiled, I think that she liked what I said.  I also saw girls who were confident, strong, and ready to answer any questions.  I saw girls who were ready to challenge themselves and try something new. 
     This interview has showed us all that we can despite the fear, it taught us something small about the grownups life.  I'm happy that we've had a chance to go through this experience, because for the first time ever we wanted to promote ourselves to the others, and I think that you succeeded that. 


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