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Showing posts from March, 2014

When I was in Vienna عندما كنت في ڤيينا

The sky was always blue, while the air smelled too fresh for my nose that got used to the sand storms. The city was quite, yet it had lots of energy until 10 p.m.  The tourists filled the historic places which I didn't value three years ago. And the food, oh god, it tasted differently everyday since I insisted to try a different restaurant for lunch, while I tried different pizzas for dinner.  كانت السماء دائماً زرقاء اللون، بينما كانت رائحة الهواء منعشة أكثر من اللازم بالنسبة لأنفي الذي إعتاد على العواصف الرملية. كانت المدينة هادئة، و لكنها إمتلأت بالكثير من الحياة إلى الساعة العاشرة مساءاً.  ملأوا السياح الأماكن التاريخية التي لم أقدرها قبل ثلاثة سنوات. و الطعام، يا إلهي، كان طعمه مختلفاً كل يوم بحكم أنني أردت تجربة مطعم مختلف للغداء، بينما جربت بيتزا مختلفة للعشاء.  Waking up in that hotel which connected all of the rooms in one long balcony was always interesting, but sometimes frightening. I used to wake up and look to see my fellow travelers through that balcon...

My Previous Thursday.

7:30 am - 1 pm during school time: "Yes, I solved my homework and revised the previous lessons here's my papers"  "I believe that the أ (the Arabic A) should be written this way instead of that way"  "Boyle's Law states that pressure and volume depend on each other." "WW1 ended because the USA joined the Allies and they won.  Then in 1919 France blamed Germany on their great lose during the war, and the Allies signed a treaty that I don't remember its name, sorry."  "What does De la mean?  Should I choose oui?"   "Edger Allen Poe was a great writer indeed, and that was very clear through The Fall of the House of Usher." "Right triangles are sometimes easy in proving their algebraic statements." "Allah can change our hearts from bad to good." "I've got some work to do now, see you on Sunday!"  1:00 pm - 2:00 pm during the Google event ...