The vibration of my phone shook my school's table, and it made my heart shiver when I read "Baba" on the screen. I responded to the phone call immediately and couldn't help but laugh with happiness as tears filled my eyes when I heard him saying "Good afternoon dear. I just landed in Washington D.C.". My dad is here! My dad really is here; in the same continent, time zone, and country! We talked for a couple of minutes then he had to go.
I smiled all day long with joy. My heart beats were different. I wasn't thinking about anything, except for the fact that I'll be reunited with my best friend. My relationship with him has always been strong ever since I was a kid. I was his third girl, and most likely the most spoiled one. He used to take me to work with him in his building that was located near a chocolates shop. We would always leave his office and go buy dark chocolate for him, and cookies 'n cream for me. We would have road trips together to see the desert and the mountains. He would publish my drawings in a newspaper and then hang them in his office. One time in my kindergarten years, he wrote a song about the crossing the street with safety. I remember that my teacher was really happy with the song, especially that it was also published in a newspaper. We had different assemblies throughout the school year, and everyone would sing the song, my dad's song.
I grew, and so did our relationship. Instead of publishing my dressings, he started to publish my 100 words articles. Instead of going to the chocolates shop, we started to go to seafood restaurants to enjoy and "criticize" the food as if we were famous food critics. Instead of going on road trips, we both got invited to international conferences about media and public relations.
He helped get through the challenges of actually growing up to be an effective and successful young adult. I joined the Council of the Youngest Journalists in Saudi, and he was there behind me cheering for me. I joined one of Saudi Arabia's strongest volunteering teams, and he always supported all of our events. I joined the YES Program, and that's when I realized how great my relationship with my dad is.
A girl needs a hero, and my hero was my best friend. My hero is so close to me now. The happiness that fills my heart whenever I think of seeing him very soon is indescribable. It seems like I never knew how great my parents are until I started this exchange year about eight months ago. It didn't take me much effort to recognize their greatness, but maybe it's part of growing up. It takes us time to appreciate, but our appreciation shall last forever.
This post brought tears over my eyes, I m so glad of this strong relationship, I hope you will remember all the seconds and details you past with him. You are an amazing young lady who is definitely growing up. "Razan Al-Qeel is one day going to change the world", believe me.