As we reflect on our own lives, one can’t help but wonder which moments along the way made him who he is. Are we a collection of events and decisions that shape us?
Earlier this week I remembered my first attempt at writing a fiction book. I think I was 14 years old back then, and my goal was to finish writing 10,000 words within a few months of pure fiction literature and gradually expand on it.
The story was inspired by a family trip I had in Switzerland. We were near the Alps, and our driver told us a story about a family whose father would go fishing everyday for lunch. He would climb a hill to a nearby lake, and every evening he’d come back for supper with one fish that his family would have for dinner; never more and never less.
One day, a tourist saw him, and told him what an investment it would be if he actually caught more fish and started selling it to all the tourists who came by the area.
The man simply replied by saying “Why would I? I’m satisfied with bringing one fish a day. My satisfaction is why I decide to only catch one fish. It is the reason behind my happiness, and perhaps the reason why I would change this routine one day.” My fiction story would go on into discovering what if the man had agreed to this suggestion. What would that step require of him, his family, and their satisfaction?
Fast-forward to 2020.
When is a good time to take a leap of faith? Is everything meant to happen as our lives are destined to move into different specified directions with new decisions to be made?
As we live and go through different experiences, every lesson learned, and every mountain climbed has its own story. And every story that shapes a part of us in a way, is a journey that we’ve put our hearts and souls into as we walked through it. We experience different walks of life (and even without knowing) we are always carrying a piece of a specific someone or something in our hearts with us forever.
“I want to remember this time of my life. I want to look back on it and appreciate those details in it.” I kept telling myself, and I think we should all say that every now and then. Because sometimes, when we’re so occupied in making sure that every next step would truly be the right one, we forget to live in the moment that makes it what it is.
I haven’t been writing in my blog for months, so it’s only appropriate that I give a major update?
A couple of months ago, I officially started my first full-time job. My time to actually start effectively contributing to society was finally here! If you know me well, I think you can only imagine how excited I was (and still am...). Throughout 2019, I dropped into different experiences, journeys — even had my own personal stories, and each one led me to where I got to be today.
We are all destined to make something out of our lives, when do we say “yes” to a new step? We are all fishermen in a way, climbing to our own lakes and catching our own possibilities. God has his own way of guiding us into those new opportunities. Sometimes he guides us by sending people that come into our lives are guardians. Those who help us see the opportunity in something, and make us wonder about our own potentials and what we could create and accomplish.
Destiney literally, in every sense of meaning, is a collection of past journeys that shape every new step we take, and every new leap of faith we jump into.
After remembering that story that I never got to finish once I hit the 10,000 words mark, I now have a new type of realization. It's why I write this blog.
I’m writing this post as an appreciation letter to those whom I’ve climbed my own mountains.
To you, each of you, satisfaction and happiness are two big words. Put them together side by side, and they make you truly wonder. Are we truly satisfied with where we are?
Here’s what I believe to be the case (for now). As we drop out from journeys and drop into new roads and paths, let us remember this great satisfaction that fills our hearts with peace. With it, we know where to go next, and because of it we are at least somewhat certain of every new step and leap of faith that shall lead us to joy and happiness.
I am because we are, and I have you to thank for that, right here and now. Because life is a story worth thousands of words, so here’s a chapter that I don’t want to ever forget.
This is Amaaazing!