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2 Years

Writing sometimes happens when we’re saying goodbye to, or closing a specific chapter of, something. But today, I’m writing to renew a commitment, celebrate a period of time, and keep those memories and current feelings documented on here for me to go back to one day.

My dad once told me “your will and determination are strong, go on and fulfill your dreams.” Since then, I found home on airplanes, traveling between countries and across oceans. Never settling, and always on the move. So it’s only fitting that some of my most important moments have happened while traveling. 

In September 2019, I bought a last minute ticket on an Amtrak train from New York City to Washington D.C. The train was packed full of people. It was slightly hot, and everyone was rushing to get in. 

When I finally found my aisle seat, I wrote a reply text message that said:

“Mukatafa is a priority for me. It isn’t just an “if”, it’s a definite maybe.”  

I sent it to the person who would soon become my first ever manager. I remember that moment clearly, while everything seemed to be so rushed and busy around me in that train cart, I was yet still focused on what I had in between my hands of an opportunity, what it would become, and whom I’d grow into because of it. 

Then on Oct. 1st, 2019, I was on a plane from D.C. to Riyadh. Looking down from 30,000 ft, evaluating and reflecting. Trying to find a negative in this opportunity. But I couldn’t. So, as should be, I sent another text message, and my manager and I planned to meet to discuss my role and responsibility.

On Oct. 3rd, 2019, jet lagged from my trip to the States, I woke up at 7 am in my Hasa home. After about two months of thinking, I signed my very first job offer. That day seemed cold though, but the memories carry so much warmth in them. The sun was shining, yet still covered with fluffy white clouds. I remember the smell of coffee brewing behind me, the sun reflecting through the windows, and my hands shaking while signing to what may become of this.  

I remember repeating to myself that I had to be sure, I needed to be sure. But at the same time, I felt ease and peace in my heart as I took this step into a completely new chapter of my life. I spent that whole morning asking myself “Why? What would make me reflect back on this particular moment and feel gratitude? Am I taking the right move?” So, it only felt right to write. Below is the email body I sent along with my offer: 

 “I’m sending this email to officially accept your job offer for me to work at Muaktafa


After thinking long and hard about this, I have a lot of reasons behind accepting this job, and I’d love to share with you a few points on why;


I choose Mukatafa over every other offer I have because of the potentials and opportunities to be made through it in service of our country, its leadership and people. This, in itself, gives me so much satisfaction to start working and contributing everything I have to achieve the goals, mission, and vision of the team.

I choose Mukatafa because of the amazing team spirit and knowledge I have witnessed since the time I have been honored in knowing you all.  I choose it because of the way that Prince Waleed and Sara spoke during that meeting. Because that made me realize that one day I would want to be able to study a certain field and understand it so well so that I can be able to speak about it that way with its challenges but also its solutions.


I choose Mukatafa because its vision offers me a purpose. Because one day, I sure do hope that through our work we could witness those policy changes and that sustainable factor come true through a positive ripple effect in the Saudi economy and society in general.


I could go on and on about this, but with that being said, yala let’s do it!"

To me, Mukatafa was a choice, and not just an option I settled for. Even though I didn’t see it two years ago, but looking back now, connecting all the dots now, destiny had it’s way of guiding me to choose this place. It’s where I’m maturing around amazing people. It’s where I’m becoming because of them. It’s where I try everyday to be more for them. It’s where I get to call home, and finally settling down. 

Two years later; and I still ask myself the question of “Why?” And to tell you the truth, that’s a broad question that keeps me excited and always curious. But now, I want to change it to “how much gratitude and appreciation do I have?” While I may have looked for the negative to say no, when I said yes, I opened myself up to do more than I thought was possible. 

Today is Oct. 4th, 2021. I am in Dubai on a business trip representing Mukatafa. I wrote that first line of this piece on the plane flying here.

I feel very thankful for the opportunity to do something I can now say that I love. I am grateful to PW and Sara, to the Mukatafa team, to my team who know themselves reading this. These two years seem like a dedication of hard work to giving myself such a strong foundation to start my career with. But the celebration of this piece is not just for me, but from me to those around me too. 

I don’t know what next year brings, but “here and now” makes sense and feels right. 


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