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Where Dreams Come True

Two days were filled with magic. In a place that was constructed by dreams. Within parks that were made with happiness.  Between people who are my favorite in the United States of America, also known as: my second family.  Dreams are never impossible if they're empowered with faith.  Big goals are always reachable once they're looked at with hope. Our imaginations can draw the unknown beautifully, simply because we believed in ourselves. When we try, then we can do anything, and eventually we will achieve. 

Spring Break arrived carrying new events that will turn into memories. It came with joy that shall turn into eternal happiness. It knocked on our door by the smell of the beautiful daffodil flowers, and with the different songs of the happy birds.  There was a lot to expect, and I had the chance to set the bars of my near future so high as I waited patiently for this vacation to start. Yet instead, I decided to let it be. I figured that I will try to live for my present, and absolutely nothing else. No expectations were made, and no bars we set.  The joy of living for the moment was all that it mattered to me, because I was realizing my presence in every place, and therefore I appreciated every minute of this vacation, and I enjoyed it to the fullest. 

We drove from North Carolina to Orlando on a road that took ten hours. Boredom never killed anyone, but it really does affect the mood of everyone. Since I didn't plan for anything, I had nothing prepared to entertain me on the road. I read some things, listened to music, did a homework, and slept -a lot-.  But at one point, I started to look at the nature's beauty, and I enjoyed the colors of these lands. The green, blue, and yellow united together and beautified everything in my eyes. It didn't take me much effort to remember that beauty surrounds me from every place and corner. It is up to us to decide when and how we choose to recognize it. 

We arrived to Downtown Disney around dinner time.  Everything was so big, everyone was happy, and I was freaking our! Seriously, I was going back to being a kid, I was happy, really happy!  Disney is a place of extreme happiness that I'll never find anywhere else in the world. I've been to Disney Land in Paris twice, but this trip was different, not like any other vacation I've had in my whole life. Is it that I'm growing up and looking at things differently? I don't know, I asked myself this question several times, but I couldn't find an answer. What is the thing that changed in the way I look at Disney since the years of 2010 and 2013? Growth maybe? It doesn't matter what I think, because the reality stated that I was happy from the way my heart was beating, and how my eyes were tearing. We walked through Downtown Disney under Florida's hot sun, while Disney's music filled our ears with pleasure. I found a Micky graduation cap and realized what a long way I've walked so far. Here I am, waiting for the unknown to reveal itself so I can start another chapter of my life very soon in college. Here I am, getting one step closer to achieving my dreams. 

The next day was filled with excitement. I, personally, was more excited than my three-year-old sister. We went to Epcot in its early hours, and there I was: amazed. I'm trying to formulate my words in a sensible way, but it's hard to describe the joy of making a dream come true. My presence made me tear out of happiness, and thankfully I had my sunglasses on to cover that. We rode a giant ball that sparkled as the sun rays were striking it.  It showed our future, the next decade of mankind. We flew to the outer space in a galaxy full of stars. We walked around the whole world in less than an hour. We enjoyed our time, lived for the moment, smiled about it, and walked step by step to its next adventures. We soared in Soarin', learned how to plant a land in The Land, crashed on the planet of Mars in Mission: Space, and enjoyed from our hearts upon this experience that we were living. 

The Magic Kingdom was the final stop of the trip. We rode the hotel's bus to the park, and in there I put on my "imaginary imagination glasses" that allowed me to look at everything with amazement. We rode flying elephants, and I remember the smiles that we had on our faces. They were smiles of pure happiness and love.  Walt Disney said "Togetherness, for me means teamwork" this quote was applied to his project, but I apply it to something else. Happiness is felt when it's shared with others. We create the memories together, and therefore those days shall always live in our hearts. Every ride was unique, and every corner sparkled with magic.  

I am happy. Literally, compassionately, thankfully, tremendously: happy. I packed my bags today, and zipped the memories inside of them. The times when we laughed, and the times when I cried of happiness. I realized that my dream is not to be an engineer in the most prestigious company in my country. My dream is to do what I love the most.  My dream is to keep on traveling. My dream is to be happy. My dream is to make those whom I'm writing this for be proud of me as I grow up.  

Magic. Happiness. Dreams. Many words were used in this blog post to describe this final concept: living for my present, enjoying my time, and appreciating what I have made me the happiest person I could ever be during only two days. Don't search far away to find things to look forward to. Look around you and appreciate your family first, then your life second. Thanks to Walt Disney, I have no clue about the thing that I want to pursue in the future. But I believe that some mystery was needed, and now I'm off to explore the new horizons of my life -as long as I'm living for my present-. I boarded Disney's Magical Express, and road to my next adventure. "Life is a book, and those who don't travel get to read only one page of it." I'm gonna celebrate my memories while they last because my book is getting thicker every year. The road never stops, the traffic will always be there, but again, it's up to us to move around and reach our destinations. 


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