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Fourth Day of: Civics Education Week

Walking on the footsteps of history. Marching together to reach success. Singing the song of courage. Talking in the universal language of peace. Smiling to the reflection of accomplishment. Laughing to let the happiness express itself with loudness. Shivering with cold that turns into joyful warmth. Capturing moments which turn into the sources of memories. Living in the present, and for the present, on the greatest footsteps of the past. 

Today was Capitol Hill Day, the day when we all use the knowledge of our exchange year in talking with our host state's Senators, Representatives, and their staff members. We put on our formal clothes in the morning with one hundred different schedules for each one us with multiple people for our several states. My first meeting required my to walk for fifteen minutes to reach its located office, and as I walked I couldn't help myself but stop running for a second to seriously appreciate my present. I was standing in the middle of the Capitol Hill surrounded by magnificent buildings with great architecture, cars and cabs trafficking  around the blocks, people in their winter coats rushing to reach their destination, and the sense of happiness that filled me. The weather was cold in the beginning, but as I reached Russell Senate Office, I was ready to start this great day. 

My first meeting was not scheduled with Senator Burr himself due to his bust schedule, so instead I met with Mr. Paul Sapperstein who's a staff member. The office resembled North Carolina perfectly, and I felt home as soon as I walked into it. It was warm and cozy. It's colors were very appealing to the eyes, and the whole atmosphere overwhelmed me.  I met Mr. Paul and we talked for a good period of time outside the office. We discussed several topics, and I was pleased by the meeting. 

My second meeting was in the office of the House Representative Hon. Mark Meadows, and the meeting was with his assistant Ms. Ansley Rhyne. I was very happy upon meeting her as she seemed like a very knowledgeable woman. The meeting area had a lot of the color navy blue which is my favorite. And the sun rays cut through the windows to make the meeting even more comfortable and warmer. We talked about different things, and the meeting lasted for almost an hour. I was honored to have spoken to represent both my country and host state. I enjoyed every moment of the meeting, because it was my second and last, so I had to make the most of it. 

Many other students had the privilege to meet with the host state's senators, but every experience during this day was different. Then we visited the White House!  I must say that the house was really white and it was surrounded by security from everywhere.  We took a lot of pictures and enjoyed our time, because two years ago I wouldn't have dreamt that I will be standing here. Not really is remarkable to see where life took and how fast days go by. President Obama was very close to us, and I couldn't grasp the fact that I was literally that close to him. But then I realized that I'm surrounded by people with beautiful hearts and great minds who have been experiencing this week with me. I decided to say wave at Obama, and turn around to enjoy my time with my friends, because I had to live in the moment with the one's who shared it with me. 

We went back running to the bus because we were late taking pictures, and of course: selfies, and then we went to the Lincoln Memorial. The place was breathtaking during the night time, and the quotes were very inspirational. The view and the weather made sure they I'll never forget this historical moment of my life, Because I was stepping on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's place of where he gave I have a speech while Abraham Lincoln was behind me, and Jefferson's memorial in front of me. Greatness was surrounding me, and I made sure to appreciate that moment, because believing in my own dream will turn it into reality. 

We were all happy at the end and had different stories to share. This is my second part of the story in here; I was very inspired by the young staff members who showed great understanding of my exchange program and country. I am going to look forward to meet with the senators at some point in my life, because my story with North Carolina doesn't end here because it shall guide me to continuous accomplishments. The great feeling that I had in Capitol Hill, The White House, and Lincoln's memorial today was a feeling of happiness, and I can say right now at the end of it: happiness comes from everything, I am happy. 


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