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New York and the United Nations

My father always told me about the day he'd take me on a summer trip to the United States.  The land of opportunities sounded like the magical Disney World through my father's stories.  Washington D.C. which established the roots of this nation seemed like a tale of freedom and possibilities through the way he described it to me.  New York City, with its skyscrapers was another land that resembled fine literature and more liberties that were engraved with the power of words through books, and the true meaning of the American Dream and Liberty.  That is exactly how America was drawn in my mind.  A land of everything and everyone simply being good.  Now, that I have been living here for almost two years, I have my own story to tell about the country that not only gave me new hopes, but which also offered me more things to dream about.  Here I am writing from New York City, after attending the United Nations Youth Assembly.  A dream that always lived within me has been coming to reality these past few days.

Possibilities are everywhere, it's just up to us to give enough effort to go out there and search for them. Changing the world is a big statement, but everything starts with a step.  Influencing one person can help in the step, through one person, word, and act at a time we can literally start a change. Speaking up is the key to advocating for a cause and having your voice heard. Representing one whole nation through simply being myself was something that I didn't know was possible until this trip happened.  The "New York" that I had in my memories is completely different from what I've been experiencing here, right now, in the present. We are all meant to be great, yet greatness demands to be felt by believing that we can make a change no matter how big or small it is. 

I arrived to New York on a delayed flight, and I had forty minutes to drive from JFK to midtown Manhattan so I can get my ID to enter the UN, and that was impossible according to my taxi driver with all the traffic. But luckily, I was there within exactly 39 minutes and I managed to meet with the staff of the event and receive my ID with instructions for the big day. My excitement was indescribable upon reading the agenda, and I was truly happy to be standing between all of these skyscrapers, because right there I realized that one my dreams was coming to reality. When I was 15, I saw some ads about the UN Youth Assembly, and it simply sounded like a "cool" idea for me to go and attend. But now, this is actually real. It's my time to meet with people, ask questions, bring my voice to the hall that shaped our present and history. Now, I can actually start making a difference by learning and bringing all those lessons back home to make an influence and start changing something.  My dream came true, and it was my time to live it and make the most out of it. 

I woke up early on the Assembly's first day, and that was probably how excited I was.  I walked to the United Nations Headquarters knowing that I wanna leave that building with something that would help me change my community. The flags of hundreds of nations flying outside the UN, in the blue sky and clear air reminded me that each nation fought for its unity and independence somehow.  We are free today because of everything our ancestors did for us.  And I was standing there that morning with a lot of pride in my heart for that green flag that I was about to represent.  

We gathered outside the Great Hall of the UN, and I met different young people with the same interests as me. Each person came to the assembly with a goal and a lot of hope of making a difference. There were 70 countries participating and over 300 delegates who traveled just so they can attend the event.  Imagine young people, from different parts of the world, different countries, different colors, different religions, all uniting together to make this world a better place.  Our dreams of a greater future brought us together under one roof. 

We entered the Great Hall, and it was definitely majestic. I thought to myself that that is where world leaders came together to discuss world problems and solutions, and I was actually walking on their footsteps today. Gandhi once said "There's now path to peace, peace is the path." I put this statement in mind, took a seat, and started the assembly. We had different speakers, and each one was extremely passionate about his/her job. Their words made us get engaged in the UN's work, and together, we wanted to start the workshops so we can actually write down our plans.  Young people, fresh minds, a lot of hope, and one future for all.  That's how I looked it at, and one I glanced around the room, there was nothing but positivity for a better tomorrow.

The UN has 17 Sustainable Development goals that are set to be accomplished by 2030. They asked us "How do you see the world at that time?"  Some said peaceful, green, equal, safer, and there were 100 other responses. This is our world, if we want to make it better, then we have to start working on these 17 goals of transforming it to the world we want. We have generations coming after us, and we have the future awaiting us. There's a lot that can be done, but with cooperation and work, we can actually make a difference. 

My two day trip to New York City is an accomplishment not just for me, but to girls and youth back home in Saudi Arabia and around the world. We can make a difference in this universe, and we can bring our country's voice to this global platform. If we believe in ourselves, then we will succeed. We've been developing a lot in the last few years, so let's continue leaving our positive fingerprints wherever we go. Peace is what Islam means, so let's walk this path and accomplish a lot for humanity and mankind. Gandhi also said "I am who I am because of who we all are." 

Participating at the Youth Assembly is for all of us back in the Middle East, we are the youth of today, so let's work together to accomplish the UN's 17 goals and make our present great, and our future a bright one. But other than the UN, I take back with me new memories of New York City to add to my father's tales.  He was with me through it all.  He taught me all about self-independence and leadership.  He showed me through his acts what it really means to be a loyal citizen to my country.  I will work on my present to make a better future, because that is exactly what he would've wanted me to do.  The pursuit happiness and finding satisfaction in life can only be accomplished by doing what we love the most.  My favorite quote says "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."  Let's all live based on this, because if we unite together for the good, then our lives will be rich in happiness. 

-Feb. 19th, 2016


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